Friday 8 April 2011

EWRF activities

EWRF: Centre for Career Guidance & Counselling (C3G)
Over the years, EWRF has conducted many career-related workshops for mainly Form 4 & Form 6 students nationwide. These workshops are conducted in a fun, interactive and informative ways that allow students to explore new areas of studies and discover new opportunities in the work market. They get to check out the many options that are available to them. These workshops also offer counselling for students who are undecided on their career path. It helps them choose the right kind of job that matches their individual characteristics through personality assessments and career assessment tests. Students go home happy and pleased at being able to identify their potential career options and a clearer pathway.
Tele-Counselling Services
This one-stop centre also offers tele-counselling services for students and young adults alike. Tele-counselling plays an important role especially in providing immediate counselling, support and information for individuals. This service is predominantly handled by trained personnel and volunteers, and is supervised by experienced professionals so as to ensure a more effective delivery of quality service to the community. Tele-counselling also allows for anonymity and confidentiality that give people maximum accessibility to seek help and guidance.
One-Stop Centre for Career Guidance & Counselling
As a one-stop centre for career guidance and counselling, EWRF also offers ample opportunity for students to have access to various sources of information such as books, magazines, and audiovisuals at the centre. Students can also visit the centre to gather more information on the various courses and higher learning institutions thatare available to them. In addition, there will also be professional counsellors on site to help counsel students and guide them in choosing the right career path. EWRF is also committed to assisting students who face financial problems and those who are from lower-income families. We want to spread the message that there is always hope for our community; there is an alternative option for those interested in creating a brighter future for themselves and the for younger generation.
Youth Programmes
Apart from conducting career-guidance workshops, tele-counselling services and charitable courses, EWRF is also dedicated to carrying out youth projects to guide the younger generation into channelling their energy and passion in useful pursuits. Youth projects such as the Adventure Camps, Fun Educational Seminars, Study Tours, Sports, Cultural Programmes and many others, act as a more productive alternative to that distract students from engaging in unhealthy activities. These projects are carried out in unique ways using methods that are designed to attract the participants into being actively involved. Through these innovative programmes, the participants are empowered to think positively and be progressive-minded.
Towards Becoming a Progressive Community
EWRF has often emphasised the fact that education plays a very important and crucial role in the upward movement of our community. It is only through education that we can emerge from our cocoon of complacency and the negative shadow that seems to have engulfed our community. We have to break free from the social stigma that we have been in and, emerge as a progressive and successful community. For that, we need to empower our youths and the younger generation into appreciating and participating in intellectual pursuits. Education is the answer to the eradication of poverty, social illness and hopelessness. It is our only solution for a better career and a better life and a better future!


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